Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4 oct 2011

Well, I am reminded today via my daughter about a loss I dealt with 15 years ago.  oct 2 1996 one of my best friends died.  She left two daughters, one only 18 months old.  Remembering her today brought me almost to tears.  Some years I am good at forgetting until it is too late to hurt.  This time of year is always the hardest on me with all the losses I dealt with 15 years ago.  Suzy had a special way of saying ‘hi’ that never failed to make me smile.  I will never forget bonding with her over our mutual childhood tramas, or over the asinine bullshit of the ex guy we share.  This world is definitely a little less bright since she left it.  There is only one good thing that came from her death, and that is the birth of my daughter that would not have happened if she had lived. 

When she first got sick, the doctors couldn’t even tell her what she had or what was wrong.  It was later diagnosed with hepatitis a. She died from kidney failure before they could even get her on a transplant list.  Her brother pulled the plug and that is only a small infraction on the list of things that man needs to answer for.  This last day I saw her, she passed out while exiting the vehicle, we put her back in and drove to the hospital.  I was so mad at her at the time because of HRS’ visit and the removal of my son from her home.  But I held her hand and talked to her the whole time.  I didn’t leave her until they made me and only after she opened her eyes.  I was told later she had forgiven me for my anger and knew I loved her cause I was there when she woke up.  I will not know the truth of that statement until we meet again in the next life, but she was never one to hold a grudge.  She was too sweet. 

Today Suzy, I remember you. I remember your light and your smile. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

29 Sept 2011

Thursdays are the new day I love the most.  It means the last day of my work week for my prek kids as friday is FRIDAY FUN DAY.  Tomorrow’s snack is an edible campfire.  It ought to be fun and will post pictures tomorrow.  Still havent heard from the admissions person for the cyber school but sent an email through their website with my information.  Maybe the school next door is a crock of bull.  LOL!!  For dinner we had Parmesan crusted Tilapia, Parmesan pasta roni, and celery with Peanut butter.  Eric didn’t like the celery, ‘didn’t go with the fish’.  LOL.  I thought it was delish!!  And we mixed our own tartar sauce which was pretty good too.  Filled me up anyways.  Lila was cute, after dinner she was writing in her notebook, I gave her a pudding, she ate it, put both down and passed out.  Never ceases to amaze me how fast that girl can fall asleep.  Raven hasn’t complained about her shoulder after school,  that tells me it is getting better.  Of course, recalled a bit of the past today.  I talked about Jason today.  Remember about our plans to by a boat and move to the islands after stealing all my kids back.  LOL.  Some days I wonder what my life would have been after that.  Thought about how my relationship with Arlene has changed. We still don’t talk that much and when we do she reminds me I must not care much cause I don’t call her much.  It is all starting to get to me.  Last she reminded me, I asked her to video chat with only one excuse after another why each chat methods would not work. ah well, I keep saying you can never go back.  Just gotta text from Stalker so gotta go.  Talk to ya tomorrow. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

28 Sept 2011

So today is a self assessment for school, they have determined:

The Cautious Style (C Style): The Cautious Styles are analytical, persistent, systematic people who enjoy problem solving. They are detail-oriented, which makes them more concerned with content than style. The C Styles are task-oriented people who enjoy perfecting processes and working toward tangible results. They are almost always in control of their emotions and may become uncomfortable around people who are very out-going, e.g., the Interactive Styles. In the office, the Cautious Styles work at a slow pace, allowing them to double-check their work. They tend to see the serious, complex side of situations, but their intelligence and ability to see different points of view endow them with quick and unique senses of humor.The Cautious Styles have high expectations of themselves and others, which can make them over-critical. Their tendency toward perfectionism � taken to an extreme � can cause �paralysis by over-analysis.� The C Styles are slow and deliberate decision-makers. They do research, make comparisons, determine risks, calculate margins of error, and then take action. The Cautious Styles become irritated by surprises and glitches, hence their cautious decision-making. The C Styles are also skeptical, so they like to see promises in writing. The Cautious Styles� strengths include an eye for detail and accuracy, dependability, independence, persistence, follow-through, and organization. They are good listeners and ask a lot of questions; however, they run the risk of missing the forest for the trees.

The Assessor (Ci)
You are predominantly a Cautious Style.

We break each main Style down into four Substyles.  Yours is the Ci, which we call The Assessor. The Assessor is LESS guarded and LESS indirect than most other Cautious styles.  Below is a snapshot of The Assessor Substyle� as such, it�s a closer look at you!

The primary goal that motivates you is accomplishing goals with excellence.

As a quick thinker, you can deal with many inputs simultaneously; however, you may be slow to take action.  Your nickname of �Assessor� is based on your evaluative approach to people and tasks.  You tend to have strong opinions about people and groups with whom you do not identify or agree.

  • Being tense with yourself and others when under pressure
  • Having a natural curiosity about people
  • Being concerned about what people think, feel, and expect
  • Having strong attachments to your personal interests
  • Underestimating the time required to complete tasks
  • Being intuitive and observant about situations and people
  • Associating your self-worth with your work
  • Being intrigued by concepts, ideas, and processes

     With Tasks:

You're an idea person who can profit by being more attentive to details and timely follow-through.  Your curiosity sometimes leads to unpredictable digressions while you work.  You can benefit by learning to pace yourself.  Taking time-outs during the workday may help allay your natural intensity.

     With People:

Because you're intense by nature, you tend to be impatient with yourself and others, especially when things aren't going well.  Therefore, focus on remaining positive when dealing with situations and people under pressure.  If you can control your thoughts and emotions in such cases, you can then use your creativity to discover workable solutions.

  • Be attentive to what others expect.  Deliver that first before digressing into other areas that are likely to be of greater interest or curiosity to you.
  • Stay focused on key priorities.  Do that by sorting tasks into "immediate," "shorter-range," and "long-term" categories.  Indicate those that you alone must do, those for which you share responsibility, and finally, those for which others have primary responsibility and your involvement is limited.
  • Treat yourself to free time and recreation.

    The goal that motivates The Assessor (or Ci)is accomplishing goals with excellence. As a quick thinker, you can deal with many inputs simultaneously; however, you may be slow to take action. The nickname of �Assessor� is based on your evaluative approach to people and tasks; you tend to have strong opinions about people and groups with whom you do not identify or agree

    Cautious styles are slower-paced and task-focused.  They are also indirect and guarded.  They are concerned with analytical processes and are persistent, systematic problem solvers.  They can also be seen as aloof, picky and critical.  Cautious styles are very security-conscious and have a high need to be right, leading them to an over reliance on data collection.  In their quest for data, they tend to ask many questions about specifics.  Their actions and decisions tend to be slow and extremely cautious, but they will rarely miss a deadline.  Though Cautious styles are great problem solvers, they could be better decision makers.

    Cautious styles tend to be perfectionistic, serious, and orderly.  They focus on the details and the process of work, and become irritated by surprises and �glitches.�  Their theme is, �Notice my efficiency,� and their emphasis is on compliance and working within existing guidelines to promote quality in products or service.

    Cautious styles like organization and structure and dislike too much involvement with other people.  They work slowly and precisely by themselves, are time-disciplined, and prefer an intellectual work environment.  Cautious styles tend to be critical of their own performance.  They tend to be skeptical and like to see things in writing.

    Their primary strengths are their accuracy, dependability, independence, follow-through and organization.  Their primary weaknesses are their procrastination and conservative nature, which promote their tendency to be picky and over-cautious.  Occupations that Cautious styles tend to gravitate toward are accounting, auditing, engineering, computer programming, the hard sciences (chemistry, physics, math), systems analysis, architect, and artist.

    The greatest irritation for Cautious styles is disorganized, illogical people.  In business environments, Cautious styles want others to be credible, professional, and courteous.  In social environments, Cautious styles like others to be pleasant and sincere.

    Environment clues include highly organized desks with clear tops.  Their office walls contain their favorite types of artwork: charts, graphs, exhibits or pictures pertaining to the job.  Cautious styles are non-contact people who prefer the formality of distance.  This preference is reflected in the functional but uninviting arrangement of their desk and chairs.  Cautious styles are not fond of huggers and touchers, and prefer a cool handshake or a brief phone call.

    To improve their balance and behavioral flexibility, they need to: openly show concern and appreciation of others; try shortcuts and time-saving occasionally; adjust more readily to change and disorganization; improve timely decision-making and initiation of new projects; compromise with the opposition; state unpopular decisions; and use policies more as guidelines than hard and fast laws.


    Cautious styles are motivated by the desire to be correct.  Part of their identity is based upon their competence and the fact that they strive to do things right.  They emphasize, therefore, things like precise understanding, accurate work, proper manners, and impeccable personal habits. Conversely, Cautious styles fear personal criticism or actions that threaten their self-preservation.  Their means for avoiding such conflicts include self-protective actions such as building personal armor that makes it difficult for others to penetrate. It is often difficult to determine their real feelings due to their wall of privacy.  Cautious styles believe that this privacy reduces the probability of being victimized by irrational acts or negative situations.  When stressed or under pressure, Cautious styles just want to be left alone.

    Cautious styles naturally favor a methodical and deliberate approach to decision making.  They like to be well prepared.  They want to know exactly what is expected of them and then they satisfy those requirements by being highly organized.  Cautious styles like to be viewed as dependable.  They almost always deliver on their promises, which they are careful about making in order to avoid unneeded difficulties.

    Cautious styles take pride in their ability to size up people and situations objectively.  Cautious styles like to clarify, reflect, and contemplate before making decisions.  They are resourceful individuals who look at life in multiple ways, many of which are unique.  Their ideas are often ingenious and highly creative.

    Cautious styles are appreciated most by people who appreciate different and somewhat unique - or at least different - perspectives. As a free thinker, Cautious styles are inclined to explore different types of interests and behaviors.  When people get to know them well, they often comment on their sense of humor.  People also appreciate their ability to be discrete and avoid embarrassing other people.


    Cautious styles tend to be indecisive, especially when dealing with more complex, new, or adverse situations.  They dislike making mistakes or being embarrassed.  Before making decisions, they want all the information and time needed to ponder all the possibilities -- whether the situation allows this or not.  Their need to be accurate and as perfect as possible often causes Cautious styles to over-analyze and over-engineer things.  They can also be "worry-warts."

    Cautious styles fear criticism, so they tend to be less communicative in general.  Their modus operandi is to keep their ideas and feelings to themselves, especially when in doubt.  They generally "play their cards close to their vest" or not at all.  Other people may view Cautious styles as being unresponsive, aloof, or uninterested.

    Cautious styles can benefit by learning to share their feelings.  They can also benefit by showing genuine appreciation, acknowledgment, and recognition for others.  Cautious styles tend to be highly judgmental and demanding, and often wonder why people cannot try to be perfect; after all, they are.  This attitude often produces further tension in their relationships.

    Cautious styles can benefit from being more collaborative in their dealings with people.  Instead of confronting people with their discontent, Cautious styles tend to withhold and store this information in case they need to build a case against them in the future.  Ironically, sometimes their relationships take a turn for the worse for this reason -- poor communication skills.  Instead, Cautious styles would benefit by sharing their concerns with others in the spirit of forging a common bond.

    Finally, Cautious styles can benefit by being less self-critical and demanding.  They are often very tense and suffer from a failure to relax and focus on recognizing and enjoying their accomplishments and interests.

    • Cautious styles are slower-paced and task-focused
    • They�re cautious in their actions and decisions
    • Cautious styles dislike involvement
    • Cautious styles ask many questions about specific details
    • Cautious styles prefer an objective, task-oriented, intellectual work environment
    • Cautious styles want to be right, so they can be overly reliant on data collection
    • Cautious styles work slowly and precisely on their own
    • Cautious styles have good problem solving skills


    Problem Solving








    Work criticism


    The process




    Become withdrawn









    • Concerned with process; want to know how something works
    • Intuitive and original; once they know the expected structure, they may invent their own structure, method, or model
    • More interested in quality than quantity; prefer lower output to inferior results
    • Want to be right, so Cautious styles employ logical thinking processes to avoid mistakes
    • Over-attend to quality control, especially when stressed, sometimes impeding progress with regular checking and rechecking
    • Colleagues and superiors do not criticize their work or ideas
    • Can set the quality control standards and check to see if they are properly implemented
    • Work with complete data systems, or can formulate some themselves
    • Superiors value correctness and let Cautious styles know they are key players in the organization
    • Workplaces are organized and process-oriented, with a minimum of socializing
    • Take time to negotiate and clarify time frames with associates in order to avoid misunderstanding and disappointment and keep themselves on track
    • Recognize and acknowledge the feelings of others� remember that many people are unable to check their feelings and personal problems at the door when they enter the workplace
    • Share your own feelings and concerns with colleagues
    • Accept the fact that you generally will not be able to achieve perfection in your work� adopt a reasonable standard of high quality that is appropriate for your type of work
    • Develop a quality control plan that assures your desired level of quality without unduly slowing the overall process
    • Interact informally with your supervisor and coworkers� this will help you to know and understand them better as well as give you some insights into the work problems that they are facing
    • Be more accepting of the ideas and behavior of others, recognizing that your way may not be the only way to achieve quality results
    • Stand up to people with whom you have a disagreement and openly discuss and resolve your differences... do not try to avoid these people or strategize against them


    Under stress, Cautious styles have a tendency to withdraw.

    An example of a typical response to a stressful situation from Cautious styles might be:
    �I can�t help you any further.  Do what you want.�

    • Over-reliant on data and documentation
    • Resistant to change
    • Slow to act
    • Slow to begin work
    • Unable to meet deadlines
    • Unimaginative
    • Withdrawn
    • Resentful
    • Guarantees that they are right
    • Understanding of principles and details
    • A slow pace for �processing� information
    • Accuracy

    • Cautious styles are quite uncomfortable with overt conflict, aggression and anger. They will do whatever they can to avoid these situations and to avoid individuals with whom they have a disagreement.
    • Cautious styles appear to acquiesce to the demands of others and, thus, avoid conflict. In reality, however, they are often just withdrawing to enable them to prepare for a future, probably covert, attempt to reestablish their position.
    • Cautious styles often resort to various indirect techniques to manipulate the environment to make it more favorable to their position. They may resort to little known rules and procedures, the literal meaning of regulations, the use of committees, and other indirect approaches.
    • Although Cautious styles generally avoid overt conflict, they may speak out on a matter of principle in order to protect their high standards.
    • Since Cautious styles tend to focus on quality and their own high standards, they may become demanding in order to ensure compliance.
    • Their tendency to be something of a loner may make it more difficult for other people to trust Cautious styles, although their demonstrated reliability tends to offset this.
    • Cautious styles tend to hold conflicts or conflicting views in their mind, looking for proof that they are right or a new valid way of looking at things that accommodates both points of view.
    • Recognize that others may be more comfortable dealing with conflict, anger, and aggression. Expressions of anger or somewhat aggressive behavior by others are not necessarily personal attacks on you.
    • Be more open with your friends and coworkers, sharing your feelings, needs and concerns with them.
    • Stand up for yourself with supervisors, friends, and coworkers rather than avoiding them or pretending to go along with them.
    • Include all the people involved with a project in your decision-making process.  Ask for their suggestions as well as their data.
    • Be sure to share the reasoning behind your decisions.  Failure to do so makes them seem arbitrary.

    Behavioral adaptability is the key to success with different styles.  It can be defined as the willingness and ability to engage in a range of behaviors not necessarily characteristic of your style in response to effectively dealing with the requirements of a situation or relationship.  It involves making adjustments to your methods of communicating and behaving based on the particular needs of the relationship at a particular time.  Adaptable people make the choice to go beyond their own comfort zone so others also feel more comfortable.

    On the next few pages are action plans to give Cautious styles suggestions on how to adapt their behavior, as well as ideas for others to help Cautious styles be more adaptable.  It will give them clues to understand the Cautious style�s behavioral tendencies. 

    To make the most effective use of these assessments and action plans, have all those you interact with complete an observer response form on how they see you, as well as an assessment on themselves.  Then set aside some time to discuss strategies you each can use in adapting your behaviors to create greater ease and less conflict in the relationships.

    Cautious Styles...
    Dealing With Cautious Styles...

    - Are concerned with controlling emotions; avoiding aggression
    - Approach them in an indirect, non-threatening way

    - Think logically
    - Show your reasoning

    - Seek data
    - Give it to them in writing

    - Need to know the process
    - Provide explanations and rationale

    - Utilize caution
    - Allow them to think, inquire and check things out before they make decisions

    - Prefer to do things alone
    - When delegating, let them check on others� progress and performance

    - Want others to notice their accuracy
    - Compliment them on their thoroughness and correctness

    - Gravitate toward quality control
    - Let them assess and be involved in the process when possible

    - Avoid conflict
    - Tactfully ask for clarification and assistance you may need

    - Need to be right
    - Allow them time to find the best or �correct� answer, within available limits

    - Like to contemplate
    - Tell them �why� and �how�

    For Cautious Styles:

    • Modify criticism (spoken or unspoken) of others� work
    • Check less often, or only check the critical things (not everything), allowing the flow of the process to continue
    • Ease up on controlling emotions; engage in more water cooler interaction
    • Accept the fact that you can have high standards without expecting perfection
    • Occasionally confront a colleague (or boss) with whom you disagree, instead of avoiding or ignoring them and doing what you want to do anyway
    • Tone down your tendency to OVER prepare

    For Others Working with Cautious Styles:

    Show yourself to be thorough and well prepared by:

    • Supporting their organized, thoughtful approach when possible
    • Showing commitment through your actions, not just words
    • Being detailed, accurate, and logical
    • Listing advantages and disadvantages of any plan
    • Providing solid, tangible evidence
    • Adhering to established procedures
    • Giving assurances that decisions will not backfire on them

    NOTE: To be more effective, have other people you work with take the assessment on themselves.  Then set aside some time to share the results.  Discuss how you each can adapt your behaviors to create more satisfying working relationships.

    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    27 Sept 2011

    Chicken corn Chowder

    Tonight for dinner? Chicken Corn Chowder, homemade!  This is what I did, Big pot of water to boil chicken 3lbs.  Emptied and strained the stock, cut up 8 strips of bacon and fried up.  Added small onion, two celery stalks and two tablespoons garlic.  cooked down,added half bag frozen potatoes, whole bag frozen corn, six cups milk, strained chicken stock, salt and pepper to taste.  Cooked about 25 minutes, added back pulled chicken, cooked another five minutes or so.  Added one can creamed corn, served with saltine crackers.  SOOOO GOOOD!!!!

    Monday, September 26, 2011

    26 Sept 2011

    Tonight… Wheat spaghetti with Florentine, spinach, and cheese sauce.  Very nice.  Added a touch of ricotta and parmesan cheeses on top!  Now it is time to relax before doing my weekend assignment for week one of my new class. 

    Sunday, September 25, 2011

    25 Sept 2011

    So trying out my new Windows Live Writer.  Should send my post straight to my blog! 

      So Tonight for Dinner, homemade burgers and fries!  Eric mixed up his own burgers with a bit of onion, bbq sauce, spices, etc.  We bought frozen fries and tossed it in onion soup mix and vegetable oil.  Turned out FANTASIC!!  After wards me and my girls will get some chips and dippies, and even later, Devils food cake!  OH YEAH!  Great Sunday. 

    Monday, July 4, 2011

    4 Jul 2011

    So, one of my longest and most beloved friendships has come to an end. I have cried my tears and am ready to talk. My exhusband, my bestfriend, a man I have traveled through many lifetimes together is now not talking to me. How do I explain this? His "girlfriend" is psycho. I put that in quotes cause he does not even really love her, he has said as much directly to me and through non-denials when I say it to him like that no matter what he tells others. He has allowed her to cut all ways of communication with him from me. I can not call her house, I am blocked from his wall unable to either see nor comment on his wall. He will not answer emails unless I am cussing and making him angry. This is no longer a friendship, he does not understand why I am upset about his behavior. He thinks his choices are his alone and only his to deal with. One daughter was pinned up against the wall by her throat by her, and his excuse is she was asking for a fight. Why? Cause she was protecting her dad from the abuse of this 'girlfriend'. My son is called a 'lazy F%$#' on facebook cause of his lack of finding a job and was ultimately thrown out of her house because of it, why? Cause she took him to find a job with street clothes on. I took him to one job in respectable clothes and he got it. She picks up my ex and throws him across the lawn through a lawn chair and into the hospital, why? Cause he said he doesnt want to be with her anymore. And now since his exes comment on his posts of ranting when he complains about her we have all been blocked. She apparently hacked his page, blocked all of us and he said, "ok, if that is what it takes to make you happy". Really? And I am the one who is being unreasonable? I am only the lastest in a long line of friends she has cut out of his life. The only ones who last are the ones who make friends with her. She doesnt like me because I refuse to be friends just because she is with my ex husband. Things do not work that way in my world. I am friends with those I actually like and can respect. I can not respect her for the harm she has caused. Anyone disagree with me??
    I have been told I am being unreasonable, maybe I am but I am not wrong either. He deletes me from a group page just because he doesnt want our daughter (who is a member too) see how I talk to him or about him? That is a really lame reason, since she lives with me and has heard much worse that what I would write from me personally. I think his really reason is he doesnt want her to see him talk bad to me, or his hateful or useless excuses as to why he allows himself to be treated badly. He is behaving just like a battered housewife. Making excuses for the abuse. He needs an intervention but anyone who tries is kicked out of his life by her. How can we still be friends when there is no communication? Number one most important thing in any relationship is honesty, number two is communication. Without communication there is no relationship. The friendship is dead. I said my goodbyes. It was hard but I had to do it. While he cant or wont listen I cant talk. I have said that when he wants to repair the relationship I will be around.

    Saturday, June 25, 2011

    25 June 2011

    So, Another busy Saturday. Second meeting of the Shirley Slater Dia-Betters Foundation. It went well, typed up the meeting minutes and emailed to my Aunt. After the meeting I went shopping at Goodwill for some toddler toys for my kids. Elmo chicken dance toy, a whole bunch of fisher price little people, the alphabet caterpillar, a manipulative farm, six new wooden puzzles, a xylophone, and a couple others I cant remember right now. After we went to lunch at Wendy's and then dinner again at Bertucci's

    Chicken Piccata
    Fresh lemon, capers, white wine, Romano and fresh herbs atop tender breaded chicken filets over spaghetti. Served with a side Insalata or a cup of soup.

    It was cooked well, but I really didn't like the lemon flavor on it. I enjoyed Eric's "Baked Tortellini & Chicken Gratinati (Tri-color cheese tortellini with chicken, cream, ricotta, mozzarella and Romano, brick oven-baked and sprinkled with diced plum tomatoes.)" much more than my own dinner and ate more of his than mine.

    At home more school work and now to bed.

    Thanks for listening!

    Sunday, June 12, 2011

    12 June 2011

    So, today has been a very lazy day. I started out with a soda, the end of one chip bag cause that is all I could reach from my chair. I only got up for bathroom breaks. I got the shakes around 3pm, after a ton of pretzels cause that was all I could reach, I ate two starburst candies and they shakes went away. I think it isfor sure that sugar first thing in the day probably kick starts my insulin maker and sends it into overdrive, and with nothing to break down, I start feeling hypoglycemic. Nothing I can do about it right now, maybe when I get back into my own place I can try Medicad again. Not sure if Pennsylvania will be more like Iowa or Florida on what they will cover.
    Yesterday was a day to remember. The day that all my planning for the last six months finally came to and it was a blast! We had a rocky start since I had never planned a party nor threw one before. But it did smoothed out and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Lila was upset about her hair but I thought it was gorgeous!

    And of course my Aunt was surprised! Thank God she didn't suspect a thing. There was plenty of food as Eric was worried there wouldn't be. And the cupcakes I got from Pathmark were really good, Lila ate four of them, but since it was her party I let her. She got a bunch of presents that she was happy to get. Surrounded by her friends.

    So after yesterday I figured I deserved a rest and refused to do anything constructive today and did not get out of my chair unless I had to. Eric cooked dinner, Steak and baked potato. Next week might see a new addition to my toddler room and noone will be allowed in starting Monday! So happy about that. I am also gonna try to get over to the apartment complex I am looking at to talk to them about an apartment. I might actually get a few grand from my school loans, hopefully that will help us get into an apartment.
    Well, that is all for now. Please hit the donate button if you please. Thanks!!

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    9 June 2011


    Today is Lila's 7th birthday! Today school was cancelled due to excessive heat, can you believe that? Apparently the elementary schools have no air conditioning, hell, most of the buildings here in Pennsylvania don't have air conditioning! So, we started our day with an argument with Eric over the heat and breakfast, but after we all ate it got a little better. Lila showed a genuine compassionate side today. Eric bought ham, egg, and cheese hotpocket, and a sausage, egg, cheese hotpocket. Lila picked the sausage but when she learned I didnt like ham, she got upset and said I could have the sausage ones instead and when I refused she offered a compromise, one of each for both of us. She has never done that. She said today is a special day and she wanted to be nice today. That didn't really last long,but was sweet when it happened.
    I spent most of the day on the second floor cleaning out the new room. Took me all day and just got all the clothes bagged up. My aunt moved around her third floor. After work, Lila decided Nifty Fifty's for her birthday dinner. We got burgers and fries all around. Then the restaurant sang Happy Birthday to Lila and gave her an ice cream. At home it was relax time, got my assignments for the week lined up, I know what I have to do there. Showed off the Snow White dress I got for Rowan. I got a cape with hood, rain poncho, bag/purse, backscratcher (which Raven loves), a fan, sports tape, and a new dress for Raven.
    Well, that is all for today, talk at ya tomorrow peeps!!

    Sunday, June 5, 2011

    5 June 2011

    So, today has been a fun filled day. For lunch we had Burger King. Then I went to PathMark and got a Red Velvet Cake with an "Over the Hill too OLD to count" candle and surprised my Aunt Ginny with the cake and presents for her birthday which is TOMORROW! She is gonna be 50!

    And since Lila, Raven and myself all got something we wanted this weekend, I decided to take Eric to the restaurant he has been wanting to go back to, Bertucci's.

    I ordered the Rigatoni, Broccoli, Shrimp in Lemon Garlic sauce and two, yes I said two, Tiramisu Martini's

    Eric ordered the "Taste of Bertucci's"

    Raven had the Ultimate Pizza

    The food was oh so good, and service was even better. So worth the price, even though we spent $91.85. And they even gave us cute little boxes for our leftovers.

    Ending the day at home, snuggled in my little chair, watching Four Brothers and continuing my read of David Eddings "The Tamuli"

    If I have entertained you or given some good advice, don't forget to donate to my cause. All proceeds go to buying a new home for me and my girls.

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    New computer and new phone. Toshiba Satellite and a sanyo innuendo. So far, I like them. Started my bachelors last week. Nearing end of week two of my first class. Getting ready to turn in my first team assignment. Been thinking about Dad and Amiee lately. Lots of funky dreams. I keep praying someday. I wonder what she is doing every day. Alicia hit like on a mutual friend's photo. I have to admit I looked at her page but there is nothing I can see. Sometimes I hate the privacy stuff on Facebook, but its good when I want to hide stuff. Domenic's birthday party is today over at Aunt Ginny's. Lila had a doctor appt yesterday and got a flu shot. Weird they have appts. on Saturdays but it was good, not that many people in the lobby. When to the book warehouse yesterday and got 8 books for just about $20. It was interesting. Gods am I hungry so gonna go. TTFN!!