Thursday, November 1, 2012

1 November 2012

Hello all, There have been a few new developments in the past few months since I wrote last. I am still working at DM, but I have moved into my own apartment from my Uncles' house. His illnesses has caused him to be out of work and need more money from people living with him and no offense to him but if I am gonna pay that much for a place to live it will be my own place. Besides this way he gets to ask for what he needs from other tenants and won't have my crazy kids making all kinds of noise in his house. LOL. My book is still on the Kindle list but I have only sold 4 copies. I have been talking to Dorrance Publishing but they want money up front for their publishing services and I just don't have that kind of cash. So I will have to tell them no dice. They said some nice things about my book but I didn't bring the letter with me today to quote them. I wrote Amiee an email through Facebook and waited until midnight of her birthday to send it. According to my facebook message app she has not even read it. I am sure she has been online but either my app is wrong or she saw my name and just doesn't want to read it. I think you can mark emails as unread but not sure if you can on Facebook. It hurts a bit but I am more content after the email than before. I know I have done all I can without pressuring my daughter to respond. I will continue to hope each day that I will hear from her soon but I am prepared to wait. I have already waited 16 yrs, I can wait a bit more. I have started my last half semester of school. Only four more classes to go until my bachelors is complete. I get my last disbursement on the 9th, and I wont have to worry about funds any longer. I got a statement that says my tuition is frozen at this price until graduation. After this class I get a week off and during that next class I will have two weeks around Christmas off. After the new year I will finish out that class and have two more. The last class is Astronomy. I hope the weeks off recharge my batteries to finish those last two classes. Lila is back in Ridley and loves her new school and the friends she is making so much more than Chester-Upland district. She is finally brushing her hair every day, mostly so I will put it up every morning for school. I tested her sugar the other day just for the heck of it and it was 271, way too high. She has an appointment on the 5th for the doctor and I think I will have her tested for diabetes as well as ADHD. She is a bit worried about what the high number means for her. She doesn't like shots or needles and freaks out a bit. Raven had a really bad stint with her asthma a few weeks back. She had a ER visit and three followups before she was well enough. She is doing well now and only on controller medicines. She is still in the Cyber school but wants to go back to regular school now that we are in a good district. I asked her to wait a few weeks to get settled in before we tackle that move. She was fine with that. The girls got all dressed up for Halloween in like a half an hour's notice. Got a good load, Saw one of Lila's teachers and little Kiersten from Developing Minds. They had fun and got loads of candy, some of which I stole for work today. LOL. I got altered one of my blog pages on "The Most Profitable Marketing Links" it was updated with some statistics of the sites I frequent and I moved the banners around to my favorites on top. I typed out a letter for individuals to do what I do and I want to distribute them around to my friends and maybe to some individuals on the street. Well, I think my update is done. Hope its not another two months before I write again. Check out my other blogs and hit the donate button. All profits go to getting a real home for my family for the first time. Thank you in advance.

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