Let me start by telling you I am wholeheartedly pro-choice.
Pro-choice does not mean anti-life. Pro-choicers are not apathetic to the value of life. In fact, in my opinion, I think pro-choicers are more sympathetic to the value of a human life than Pro-Lifers.
First let’s talk about Pro-Lifers. Against abortion? Or are you really PRO LIFE, meaning against all manner of the taking of a life. Are you against the death penalty? Are you vegan or vegetarian? If you didn’t answer yes to all those, you are not Pro-Life, you are Anti-Abortion.
Ok, so you just decided you were Anti-Abortion. Who do you think get abortions? Do you imagine the corporate woman who slipped with the birth control or maybe landed in the 1% of people that whatever contraception that was used, failed. Then decided that children were not what they wanted so they arbitrarily decided without thought to kill the baby? Or do you see some ambivelant woman having frequent sex with multiple partners and just deciding that they don’t want kids after the test is positive?
Let me tell you who gets abortions, rape victims, teenagers who are too afraid to tell their parents, junkies who know they are not suited for parenthood, woman with multiple health issues that threaten their life or the risk the liveable health of the child.
Now let me tell you about Pro-Choicers. Pro choice is about being against any law taking away basic human rights and quality of life.
I once heard an analogy.
There are thousands, maybe millions, of people on transplant lists. People who are waiting for someone to be generous enough with their own bodies to match with them so they can live a long and healthy life. When a person is found, the person who matches can still say NO. Noone, not the law, not a judge, not a doctor, can force that person to give up a piece of their body against their will.
Anti abortion laws will do just that. They will force someone to risk their health, their life for another. No law should force that. No law forces you to throw your body in front of a criminal to save another. No law forces you to give up a piece of yourself to save another. No law should force a woman to carry a baby.
Did we forget? At no other time in the natural life of a human does a person come closer to dying than when a woman gives birth. Anti abortion laws will force someone to risk their life for another.
This is not about babies that deserve to live. If you really cared about the babies, are you on adoption lists? Do you care for one of those babies or does your care end at birth? That baby’s life doesnt.
What if your choice to force that woman to carry and deliver, delivers a sick baby.
What if your choice to force that woman to carry and deliver, dies doing so.
What if your choice to force that woman to carry and deliver, causes that teenager to get a back street abortion that ends her life, or maybe just prevents her from ever getting pregnant again.
What if your choice to force that woman to carry and deliver, causes that new mom to kill herself from the stress of it.
What if your choice to force that woman to carry and deliver, causes that rape victim to abuse their child because every time she looks at them she remembers her rape and hates her child for it.
Will you sleep well at night knowing that your choice was moral?
While we are on the subject of moral, is it moralistic to decide what’s best for another?
Can you be so arrogant as to say you know better what is best for another soul, especially someone you do not know.
You haven't walked their shoes, you don’t know what they are thinking, the options they have considered, the situation they’re in. How can you know, how can you be so sure as to decide all abortion is immoral.
I would never choose abortion for myself, let’s get that straight. But I will never make a woman who has made that choice for herself, feel like I look down on them for it. Because I know I don’t know.
I know I can only control myself, I have no right to tell anyone else what they can and can not do with their bodies, or their life.
Only my own.
Let’s go conspiracy now. Do you think that taking away human rights will stop at abortion laws? No, the taking away of rights starts small. Baby steps, no pun intended, to see how fast mutiny occurs. We already have many of our rights diminished for what is called ‘the greater good’.
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Right?
Wrong. Our world doesn’t need MORE restrictions. It needs less. Restrictions lead to oppression, oppression leads to rage, rage leads to war, war is death.
Maybe with less we kill each other more, but human existence continues.
Laws for the greater good will kill the human race. Never forget, we are parasites on the face of Earth. We destroy to build, and we do not fix what we destroy because the greater good needs us to destroy to build.
Maybe it’s time you look past this human life of yours as the sum of the universe. Look at what kind of world you are leaving behind you in your wake. Look what you are doing to your own soul in the process and what that might mean for you in the after place, whatever that is for you.
Human’s need to control will kill this world.
We are watching it happen and doing nothing, some of us are even participating. Participating to make their human life more luxuriant. More decadent. What’s the point to it, not like you can take any of it with you to the after place.
Humans need to worry less what their neighbors are doing to their souls and pay more attention to the stains they are creating on their own souls.
Note to self, don’t go religious. Breathe!
Ok, this ends here. I’ve said my peace on abortion, take from it what you will.
For those that are thinking of commenting…..
I am opinionated, highly intelligent, and do not view the world in any way that is popular. I see what most don’t. I think in different ways. Unpopular ways. Ways that by arguing with me, will only make you hate me more, or if you have the intelligence to see what I can, you will side with me.
People hate when I burst their bubbles so if you don’t want to risk me popping your bubble just move on. But if you want to be enlightened, maybe learn a new point of view, I’m here.
And I’m listening…..