Thursday, June 27, 2013

27 June 2013

Sitting here at work thinking back on my days...  We tried to repair the screen to my IPad, I spent my mechanical Turk earnings to purchase the supplies on but once the touchscreen was removed a extremely small crack in the LCD screen grew.  In the process of removing the touchscreen the WiFi cable and buttons cable got sliced.  So now I need a new LCD screen, buttons cable, and WiFi cable.  I might need a new back but i think I may survive without a new one. 
I have a GREAT idea for a food truck and am working on a business plan for it.  I have two avenues for getting a truck, one is to get a loan, which with my credit will never actually happen, or two - create a Kickstarter or similar account to raise money.  I first need to create the business plan in order to know how much money I need to start it.  The problem I face right now is I am unsure as to my food truck needs.  Some things I know but alot I don't.  I know nothing really of food trucks, what the are equipped with and size is not something I can visualize easily so I don't know how big of a truck I need.  I know what type of food I need and should probably start there. 
I heard from one of my besties, Arlene.  We talked for like 2 hours, it was really great to hear from her.  Hopefully it wont be as long before hearing from her again.  She got me hooked up with CreditKarma for free and i am gonna work on my credit to get it cleaned up. 
Im thinking of applying to some preschool teacher or kindergarten teacher positions in or near Orlando so I can go back home.  With my Bachelors in Science and my 2 years of teaching this program I created I could do it.  The reality and feasibility of this choice is freaking me a bit.  Not sure if I am ready for that kind of change in my life right now no matter how badly I want it.  Maybe I will wait it out one more year.  I would really like to find a person to take over and help my Aunt the way I do, someone she can count on and can do my job also.  Not sure if that person exists but I think that taking another year to find that person might be right, maybe I will be ready to move for the 2014 - 2015 school year.  Another year of prek teaching experience wont hurt at all. 
Raven is finally making friends and is gonna go out on her first girl (no adults) outing to the mall with her cousin Ellie, Ellie's friend Amanda, and Stevie (another friend of Ellie's who works at Developing Minds and is becoming friends with Raven too). Which is another reason I don't wanna pack up again in a few months.  I want her to have some real friends, and uprooting her right now might not be good.  I am sure she would understand and she would do it cause it meant going back to Sierra who she loves the most but she is finally being social and getting out in the world.  Not so sure I wanna disrupt that.  All this talking has made half a plan for me which just might be doable.  I think its a great idea but not so sure I wanna share just now which means, subject change!
I am writing quite a bit on my book and have so much history created that will probably never be used I am contemplating a history novel.  I imagine something like what Christopher Tolkien did for his father after his death being my daughter.  Its all very cool and interesting to create a town/village from scratch, to make a history for the village and create generations, marriages, births and deaths.  My charactors in part one of my book are the fifth generation of the village.  The book takes place at the 75th anniversary of the village I created.  75yrs of history and four generations is NOT easy or simple.  The hardest part, believe it or not, is working in death dates  LOL.  But I will get there.  I love this book and I love these characters.  It all flows so easily.  It also has quite a bit of me in it and those that are around me. 
One more thing before I head off to lunch, I found my Amiee's youtube channel.  She posted a few videos of her talking to the camera.  The first time I saw them I cried all day.  I cried because sitting there watching her talk to the camera I could pretend she was talking to me, sharing her problems with me and sharing those things that she is passionate about.  Those that know how precious that is or know how long I have been waiting for something like that will understand why it hit me so powerfully.  I so wanna be a part of her life but until she wants the same I can do nothing but hope and pray.  
I could go on and on talking to you about all that has gone on but I do need to get back to work and feed some kids for lunch.  Love all of you, love where I am in my life right now and looking forward to changes I will be making in the coming months.