Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So now I'm on swag . Great site! Got me 52 swag bucks in one day. I could get a kindle fire around 30000 swagbucks. I'll be putting up a widget for friend referrals as soon as I get my computer back from my daughter who is watching her school videos. Lol. Currently I am on my iPad, which I love. So tired these days, never feel as though I sleep enough. My throat doesn't hurt anymore. My eye did a funky thing last night and glued itself shut overnight. It itched like mad and felt like something was in it. Eric put in some visene (totally spelled that wrong), and it felt better right away. An article was written up in the local paper about the cyber school. Gonna look it up later to find out what that was all about. didn't sound like a good article. So I got mechanical Turk through, inbox dollars, swagbucks, and survey spot. Still taking donations, all proceeds go to buying a home for my kids for the first time.
Thanks all for reading and catch you up soon!!

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