Saturday, July 28, 2012

28 July 2012

     So, it has been a while since I have written and a bunch of stuff has happened.  I can't believe I have neglected my blog for two months.  Work and school is pretty much the same, I am on my 14th class of my bachelors, I am so ready for it all to be done.  I don't want to school anymore.  After almost four years of late nights, worrying about getting online for class, completing assignments and final exams I have had enough.  7 more classes until I am done, less than a year to go.  April 8th, 2013 I will be done and will not be pursuing any further education.
     My uncle has been in the hospital three times for heart issues, and my aunt has diverticulitis. She has been up and down for the last month and the rest of us are all left floundering at work trying to do the impossible.  Developing Minds just isn't the same without her there each day.  As much as I want her back at work, I want her home taking care of herself and getting better more.  My sister-in-law left her boyfriend, they have been together since they were teenagers and have two daughters.  She isn't feeling successful right now and I hope she will find her way.  My adopted sister is going through the same kind of thing, she is strong enough to do it on her own.  I know I don't have to worry about her.  Her kids are old enough to help her too.  They are both in my thoughts all the time.
     Me, you ask, well... I have been contemplating something I never thought I would get the chance to do again.  If everything works the way I want it to, I could be back in Florida next summer.  I am still plugging away with my PTC sites, trying to build my downline.  It will take a bit but this might just make me financially stable within a year.  It is time I had some good luck and get what I have always wanted.  Oh, and I published my autobiography on Amazon Kindle.  Here is the link if you wanna check it out,  My Heart, My Soul, My Story
     I wrote this for my Angel, Amethyst Rose Eldridge.  I named her after my birthstone and favorite color in the world.  If I bought my own jewelry it would always be an amethyst.  Rose just seemed to fit.  Eldridge cause it is my name.  There is no father listed on her birth certificate but it was never true that I didn't know who he was or where I could find him, that was a lie my father forced me to tell the judge.  I have no seen my Angel since she was two.  I have no held her since she was five months old.  She will be 18 in three months.  She will be legally an adult and my father can not have me thrown in jail if I email her. (Yes he did threaten that a few years back, I have the letter to prove it)  I wrote this autobiography not for money but for her, so she could read the truth without having to face anyone or ask any too hard questions she might want to ask.  If that is the path she chooses to take, it was just to give her another option to finding the truth.  My one hope is that she finds the book and reads it.  It isn't a pretty story, or a happy story.  It is a hard story, and some tell me it is not complete.  My son asked me for the whole story a few years back and took two phone calls to do it.  We spent hours on the phone with him listening and me talking.  If he can forgive me for everything there is no reason to think she will not, after all my son was the one hurt the most.
     I love my babies, and there is nothing in this entire world I would not do for them.  The book as sold three copies.  It was a bit scary to think someone out there is reading my story.  The third copy was bought my my Suprise's mother, but I have no idea who got the first two.  Now that the book is not being listed near the top of the list it isn't selling anymore copies but that is ok for now.  As I said, this book is not for money but for truth.  It is so the truth is out there and told by the individual who it all happened to.  It is the inside story.  Not being told by someone on the outside looking in.  My father's version is like looking into a box from a ripped corner, not only did he not see the whole picture he wasn't even capable of seeing the whole picture.  How can you tell the truth when you don't even know the truth yourself.
     Anyways, The book is out there now, and now I can concentrate on my fiction stories.  I have four in the works and thinking about publishing a collection of poems.  I have enough for two books.  Look for them if it interests you.
     87 more days..............